Solving The Cloudy Water Problem In Your Pond

For many pond owners, there is an issue that can really frustrate the most diligent spirits. And why shouldn’t it. Afterall, cloudy water makes it hard to see your fish, or enjoy the clear and pristine water that we all dream of. As I tell folks time and time again, every pond is different and … Read more

A Pond In The Sun

In the midst of summer, it’s a common question. How much does sun exposure affect algae growth? And like most answers, the correct one might range from a little to a lot. Isn’t that always how it is? Every pond is different in how it responds to sun light and for some ponds sun light … Read more

Here We Are…

After several months of work and a bit of tweaking, our Pond Algae Solutions Blog is ready to go! This is just another way to share information and advice with pond owners who are dealing with algae problems, among other things. It’s been my experience that as long as the information you receive is accurate, … Read more