Fall And Winter Pond Plant Care

One of our loyal readers kindly reminded me that I failed to mention anything about pond plants as we get into fall and winter. My apologies!!! Keep in mind though that in most cases throughout the summer, my main mission is to keep a particular plant out of the picture…but we’re not talking about pond … Read more

Overwintering Your Pond Fish

If you’re planning on leaving your fish in a pond throughout the winter the video below will offer a few helpful tips that can make this an enjoyable time for you and a safe time for your fish.

As a teaser, if you’d like to see a guy in a Hawaiian shirt standing out in a snow storm (well ok, flurries) take a look. And you’ll find more helpful tips below the video itself.

If you have experience in overwintering your fish, please add your commentary at the bottom of this page, it will likely prove helpful to those just starting out in the pond care hobby.

[youtube width=”425″ height=”355″]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b966XBnRU0s&feature=youtube_gdata[/youtube]

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Should Beneficial Bacteria Be Used In The Fall?

It may seem a bit early to say this for some folks around the country but summer is coming to a close. Where did it go?!? I’ll be right up front. I enjoy summertime. Yes we’re kept incredibly busy and it gets to be crazy around here sometimes, but I’m not sure I would have … Read more

Getting The Most Out Of Your Natural Pond Treatments

One of the most useful tools for dealing with a number of pond water quality and unwanted plant growth problems is beneficial bacteria. We talk about it a lot on this site and have long been amazed at what it can do for the overall health of a pond.

We get emails quite often on it’s “magical” qualities, but really, it’s not magic at all, it’s just good biology put into practice.

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