Pond Plant Identification 101

Over the years we’ve talked to a lot of pond owners and one of the keys to passing on a good “diagnosis” and treatment is to figure out just what the pond owner is seeing in their pond. To put it simply, it’s of basic importance to identify what your problem is, so you can treat it appropriately.

In the video below we talk about some of the more common “problem” plants that you’ll find in most ponds. In many cases of the of the pond weeds are more commonly found in larger ponds, but the algae we talk about can show up in any size of pond.

Along with an explanation and photos of the plants, we also talk about how to deal with them effectively.

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What’s Your Favorite Pond Plant?

For anyone who has read much of our material at Pond Algae Solutions, it’s widely known that we like to use and recommend pond plants to help balance out a pond. This is obviously one of the most natural and cost effective ways to keep algae from developing, and plants provide a number of other … Read more