Don’t Do This When Winterizing Your Small Pond

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For the water garden or small pond owner, plants, meaning desirable plants can be a very good thing.

They’re natural of course, and along with adding a natural appearance to a pond, they also do a lot of other good things. If you want to ward off algae, certain plants like lilies or hyacinths can be one of your best friends.

Other types of aquatic vegetation are used too, and some of these are even used in aquarium settings. Curly leaf pond weed, Hyrdilla, and even common Duckweed come to mind.

As a responsible pond owner however you should keep in mind that one person’s perfect plant, is another person’s (or community’s) nightmare.

This reminder from the Michigan State University Extension Service provides a good rundown on how to dispose of unwanted plants at seasons end. The one thing you don’t want to do is to “release” them into native waters where they may prove invasive. This goes for aquatic wildlife too.

Currently, around various parts of the country, and in may states, invasive species are causing a lot of problems on ponds, lakes, and streams. The type of plant will vary a bit depending on the location and climate, but nevertheless, the simple truth is most of these problems could be avoided by simply following the Extension’s advice on proper disposal methods and containment.

If one desires to be an environmentally conscious steward of the land, it’s the least we can do as pond owners.

Here’s an additional list from the USDA with more information on invasive aquatic species.

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