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Backyard ponds are more popular today than ever. They provide peace, relaxation and enjoyment for owners, and habitat for birds, fish, and insects. Ponds can be as simple as a Saturday afternoon do-it-yourself job, or as complicated as a professionally designed and landscaped one. Whatever you choose, pond plants add the final touch to your backyard oasis. Not only do they look beautiful, when properly chosen and placed, they will develop a mini-ecosystem that will also enhance the surrounding environment.
Striking a healthy balance between aquatic plants, wildlife, and the surrounding environment is critical. Thus, it’s important to choose the right type(s) of pond plants. Not all pond plants will work in every type of pond or geographical location. Other plants may be suitable for pond water, but will not go well with certain types of fish like goldfish and koi, turtles, or other pond life.
One good reason to include aquatic greens in your pond is that they can create a natural filtering system and control algae. Combining them with fish is extremely useful. This is because fish secrete ammonia into the water. Too much ammonia can lead to algae blooms, and eventually may even poison the fish. The right kinds of plants will convert ammonia into nitrates, which is then used by the plants. What you essentially end up with is a self-sustaining biome; a healthy underwater ecological system which will require little extra attention in the way of maintenance.
Another advantage to choosing the right pond plants is that you will be able to protect your pond from wild predators. Raccoons for example are found in many regions of North America. They can be a scourge because they love to raid fish ponds. Keeping raccoons out without disturbing the tranquility of your oasis by planting tall reeds about the perimeter may be cheaper and more aesthetic than building a fence around your pond. Another well-known predator and prowler of backyard ponds are heron. Combining design tips like creating some deeper pools with using lilies and lily pads as hiding places for fish will keep your stock from disappearing. The lily flower will also add an element of extra beauty.
There are several different types of greenery to consider for your backyard pond. Marginal plants are planted in shallower parts of the water. Underwater plants grow completely submerged and are typically placed in deeper parts of the water. Floating plants are free-floating and don’t need to be anchored at all. They look beautiful and can be beneficial to your eco-system. However, because many floaters can be invasive, they are banned in some areas. Before planting them, be sure you make sure they are permitted in your area.
It’s important to purchase your greenery from a professional and reputable nursery. A retail supplier who deals specifically with aquatic plants is an even better choice if you can find one. These types of businesses will have the best information regarding the right types of plants. Staff at discount or department stores are not always as knowledgeable about things like invasive plant species, which can wreak havoc on your local environment, lead to growth of harmful bacteria or viruses, and can be detrimental to your water and wildlife. They can help you identify native plants which will not damage your pond or the environment. Using native plants is also important when it comes to wintering your pond. There isn’t much point in planting exotic species that can’t survive inclement or cold weather regions. So it’s important to get advice from someone who is an expert in aquatic plants.
When planted intelligently, your pond should be self-sustaining and low-maintenance. It can also be as beautiful as it is practical and environmentally-friendly. The result for you, the owner is many years of enjoyment and pleasure.
Do you have a tip or suggestion on what pond plants have worked best in your pond or watergarden? Please feel free to share them in the comments section below!
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Hi guys” Just thought that I would let you
know that We picked up a plant from our favorite Koi farm. They have a
“water mint plant” It has been in the pond for a month now and has been doing real well.
Which is more than I can say for the water lettus. That only will last for about a month.
The water mint plant is great you can use the leaves in drinks or just to chew on. fro that Minty fresh taste. The plant is a little pricey But it does multiply rapidy. If anyone has a plant that they reccomend please let me know! Thanks to you all. John E.
I have a pond that turns green from algae because it is in direct sunlight. We also live next to an open field that brings dust and dirt into the pond as well. I am working on getting someone to look at the pond to install a better filtration system. What other type of plants will help rreduce the algae and hopefully keep the dust and dirt out of the water?? I have KOI in the pond.
I like bacopa monnieri.
I have a waterfall and water course feeding my pond and find that watercress is a great filter. I actually started it years ago with some plants from my supermarket that still had roots on them, but you can also get them in fresh water streams. It grows quickly, so I clip in regularly, using it in soups or salads but often just throw it away. The roots collect a lot of silt, which then stays out of the main pond clarifying the water.
I inherited a red ear slider turtle that lives quite happily in my pond with my koi and other fish, but she devours parrots feather and other plants. Any suggestions?
Does anyone know what type of fish eggs are 1/2 black and 1/2 white? There have been several spawnings that produced this type of egg. I only have koi, goldfish and a few stripers from the creek.
Jandoni, have you tried to feeding your turtle lettuce, spinach and other leafy greens? Fruits are also a tasty treat. However, you will not really be able to stop them from munching through your plants. Mine have never stopped but they did slow down a bit with the extra diet.
I have about a 3/4 acre pond with an average dept of about 5 feet. I have planted water lilies and they have done very well for awhi
le and then they seem to gradually disapear. I do have about 15-20 large KOI and I suspect they may be feeding on them. Could this be?